
Showing posts from April, 2018

Two Common Signs That a B2B Brand Needs to be Rethought

A strong, memorable brand can be every bit as much of an asset for a business-to-business (B2B) company as for one that targets consumers. Keeping up with a brand as conditions change, however, is every bit as important as creating and building it. Thinking about B2B brand strategy when the time arrives for a new image will always be productive. Brands Always Need to Keep Up With the Times Even in the B2B space, some companies boast brands that have remained largely unaltered for many years. It will rarely be wise to rethink an entire brand without good reason, as that will often mean discarding plenty of value in the process. On the other hand, it can certainly pay to formulate a new B2B brand strategy when developments in areas such as the following accumulate to the point that they can no longer be overlooked: Market. The single most common reason to rethink an existing B2B Branding approach is simply that a company's market has evolved significantly. Should customer compa